Friday, May 16, 2008

All Bottles

Tonight Peanut still weighs 6lbs 9ozs. He is also now getting all bottle feeds and we'll see how he does with it. We're hoping he'll continue to thrive and do well with the bottles so he can loose the feeding tube.

Speaking of feeding - I'm pretty sure I mentioned somewhere that Peanut has severe reflux and medication and rice cereal in the milk didn't appear to be enough. An update on this situation is a bit interesting. We're doing an experiment now that for the next 24 hours he is only getting the formula (Enfamil AR which is added rice). His trend is to not brady very often at all when he's on the formula. However, when he's having breast milk (even after doubling the amount of rice cereal in it) he has a really hard time keeping it down and he brady's several times in one feeding and even in between feedings. We'll see how that goes.

As for that heart murmur they found; we probably won't have any answers until Monday. They did finally get around to getting the echo done at 2 this afternoon but it's a Friday which means since it's not an emergency it's not likely that anyone is going to lay their eyes on it until Monday. Neither of us are concerned about it at this point but it downright stinks to have to wait so long to confirm that it's no big deal.

Tonight's picture: A comparison of the boys.

They are within a couple days of the same gestation, which is why I've waited to do this. The shapes of their head are different but part of that is probably delivery (at this age) and you can't see it since Peanut is wearing a hat.

Awww...they're both so cute!

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